Full House 2!!

While I was on an assignment, Amul sent me a message... "Sanjee, Full House2 is suppose to be out by July (or August) know?" My instant reaction to that was "What? You didn't tell me about it! You knew it all the way and you did not tell me about it!" Then the first thing I did was google Full House! By now it has become a routine to google names of Korean movies and series whenever I get spare time (am not alone in this addiction, many of my friends does the same!). The search result showed "Famous korean serial Full House season 2 in the making!"
This was it! I called Smriti (she was already in Lucknow), screamed out to Shilpa, who was in the drawing room, messaged (online) Avinandan to share the good news with Tali! I was glad.
The best thing about Korean movies and serials is that most of these serials are refreshing. Most have very predictable storyline and are not as complex as that of the Hollywood movies BUT the treatment is something which you just cannot ignore!
I started watching Korean serials and movies four years back. The first movie I watched was Classic. I just fell in love with the cinematography! It is emotionally engaging though some would say its slow. The firefly scene, the scene where the guy pretends he is not blind and the girl discovers it, the shots in the rain and the difference between the two generations and yet the similarities between the two are some of the scenes that leaves a lasting impression on your mind. The characters are well developed and the story just touches your heart! It is very simple and very authentic in its presentation. After this I have watch a hundred more movies and serials. With Sassy Girl and Full House being my all time favourite...
Coming to Full House, I was told that, in Mizoram, people were going crazy about this new Korean serial where Rain is the male lead. I had seen Rain a few times on ShowBiz Extra on Arirang TV and had thought "wow! what a girlie one." But much later did I realise that he is so charming in his own way. Sawm, Kimi, Babie and Sangi pestered me to watch the last two episodes of the serial (they just had those two episodes!). I just loved it... and the rest is history!
Full House is now the most talked about topic when it comes to anything Korean! We can just go on and on about the movie and we always have lots to talk about and more. Some of my friends have watched it for a record 25 times and some are eager to beat that (they should tell us why 25 or 30 times!). For me Full House is one of those soul lifting, feel good serials which you don't get tired of. I just love it for all the stupidity (no offense) and beauty of the love story of the kiddish couple! The characters make an impression... You just cant stop yourself but hate Hyewon, fall in love with Rain and Min Hyuk, you feel sorry for poor Han ji Eun! Even the minor characters are very well rounded. But the best part in the serial is the humor. You laugh your heart out throughout the 16 episodes and fall in love with the characters!
Really, everytime I watch this serial I think everyone should watch this serial once in their lifetime. And mind you, please do not carry your Theory books along with you. It just spoils the fun.
Anyway, I am hoping and keeping my fingers crossed that the second season would be as good as the first...

These are some websites on Korean Movies and Drama-

6 Comments so far »

  1. by fanatic , on Monday, May 18, 2009

    hey humingu(maybe it means"GO KOREA". at least it sounds like this)
    i completely agree with what you said. it is a delightful serial...refreshing and entertaining. the characters are beautiful n well rounded. n above all they are stylish...even the thought of a guy wearing pink makes u want to puke but look at the guys in this serial...min hyuk is sophisticated n rain a star... their clothes suit them. the music is so hummable that even though u don't know the wordings u sing along making up words of ur own (i want to inform u that i now have in my posession the orignal track of fullhouse and princess hours...ha ha ha).but u know what i m wondering whether the 2nd season will be able to live uptothe 1st. will they use the same actors?? coz without them how can u even imagine full house. and if they do, do these people have a better story to be told in their lives??

  2. by Talisunep Jamir , on Monday, May 18, 2009

    Well I can't help but agree more with you guys regarding Full House. It has everything - comedy, tragedy, melodrama, romance, yet blended so well. This is also true of almost all Korean movies and serials. I like the grandmother the best however minuscule here screen presence might have been. She is hilarious.
    I don't have any record as such to boast of but I have watched it once, and it has stayed on with me. I have enjoyed every bit of it. The house is stunning. It has now become the ultimate dream house for me. I just hope that they cast the same actors to reprise the roles, at least the main characters.

  3. by Nao! , on Monday, May 18, 2009

    Sorry guys but some bad news! I read in a blog on Full House that the main cast would be changed. Either one of them will be there but both of them would not be there! I will get this confirm as to who is going to be there and get back to you again! By the way mama told me to watch Crossing which is about borders and the Korean divide, which sounds interesting...

  4. by copywrite , on Wednesday, May 20, 2009

    Full House... I fell in love with everything Korean after this... This serial is the cause of my malady... Love the house, the cast , the script, the dialoges, the characterisation... everything... if a single thing korean could culturally colonize non-korean romantic souls, it would be this serial...
    I am not completely happy to hear however that something called full house two is in the pipeline... The magic could never be repeated... Full doesnt leave space for more and full house is HOUSE FULL...
    Sheesh I think I got carried away... Sorry folks!

  5. by fanatic , on Thursday, May 21, 2009

    its ok. my reaction was the same. i want to ban the new one from coming. one of them?? u must be kidding!! their chemistry is stunning. do u think they would look good with somebody else. i can't bear it.crossings sounds interesting. is abe bringing any new stuff????

  6. by Nao! , on Friday, May 22, 2009

    here is crossing's trailer! watch the video bar below! it looks awesome!

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