Girls night out...

Staying on Campus is like staying in a bubble... One tends to become complacent, lazy and disinterested... but most importantly it generates in one a false sense of security especially if you are a girl... Staying outside campus has a thrill of its own... it's easier to go out at night and also a lil dangerous. You need to be on your guard as we discovered when we decided to go out to eat last evening... We went to eat street around ten thirty... we thought it would be deserted but there were plenty of people milling about despite the late hour... While we were ordering our food we encountered a lil commotion... two girls were bravely facing up to two guys who had been taking a video of them without the girls' knowledge... On being discovered, the guys refused to apologise or even own up... the whole episode turned violent as the girls decided to take the matter in their own hands... what was surprising however was the delayed reaction of the bystanders... despite the commotion and the fact that one of the guys shoved at a girl and tried to hit her... nobody really came forward till much later... I admire the guts of the girls however who instead of shying away from a confrontation rose up to the occasion and put up a good defense of their rights... Bravo!!! Those guys sure as hell will think twice before doing the same thing again... We returned in high spirits and took the long way back home to celebrate! ;)

1 Comment so far »

  1. by fanatic , on Monday, April 27, 2009

    go girl!!! we didn't know what was going on in the beginning... thought it was a bad breakup happening. it was only later that we found out the truth. but those girls had some guts. they kept fighting even when the guys started hitting out. it was like a b-grade movie and as fascinating. it was fun going for a long ride after dinner. i'll miss these things when i'm away from here.

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